Hierachical Dirichlet Model for mutational signature estimation

Image credit: John Moeses Bauan

Let $X$ be the mutation matrix of size $M \times N$. $N$ is the number of observations/samples.


{{< math >}}
\gamma_{n} = \frac{ \left | \left (\mathbf x_{n} - \mathbf x_{n-1} \right )^T \left [\nabla F (\mathbf x_{n}) - \nabla F (\mathbf x_{n-1}) \right ] \right |}{\left \|\nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \right \|^2}
{{< /math >}}

renders as

$$\gamma_{n} = \frac{ \left | \left (\mathbf x_{n} - \mathbf x_{n-1} \right )^T \left [\nabla F (\mathbf x_{n}) - \nabla F (\mathbf x_{n-1}) \right ] \right |}{\left \|\nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \right \|^2}$$

Example inline math {{< math >}}$\nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n})${{< /math >}} renders as $\nabla F(\mathbf{x}_{n})$.

Example multi-line math using the math linebreak (\\):

{{< math >}}
$$f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} & \text{if }k=1, \\
1-p_{0}^{*} & \text{if }k=0.\end{cases}$$
{{< /math >}}

renders as

$$ f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} & \text{if }k=1, \\ 1-p_{0}^{*} & \text{if }k=0.\end{cases} $$


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{{% callout note %}}
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{{% /callout %}}

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A Markdown aside is useful for displaying notices, hints, or definitions to your readers.


Add a spoiler to a page to reveal text, such as an answer to a question, after a button is clicked.

{{< spoiler text="Click to view the spoiler" >}}
You found me!
{{< /spoiler >}}

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You found me!


There is an implementation in .

devtools::install_github("nicolaroberts/hdp", build_vignettes = TRUE)

quick_hdp <- hdp_quick_init(example_data_hdp)

quick_chain <- hdp_posterior(quick_hdp, burnin=500, n=100, space=40, seed=1234)
Daniel Fridljand
Daniel Fridljand
Research Assistant

Statistical methods development for biological data.